Sunday, July 7, 2013

July 7, 2013

After several more days of near constant rain, the weather finally turned just in time for the holiday weekend.  Although it was still very humid, at least the rain went away so everyone could enjoy their outdoor events.  The lake was busy with boaters, fishermen, and swimmers. 

One of the highlights of the summer season for me has begun:  Blueberry season.  They are just starting to ripen in the sunniest locations, and should be going strong for several weeks.  All the rain and now the hot weather has made them very plentiful this year. 
Blueberry Season has Begun

We're looking forward to lots of blueberry-themed breakfasts, desserts, and all kinds of treats!

As for wildlife around the lake this week, it has been pretty quiet as expected with hot and humid days.  There are lots of nighttime sounds, but not much visible during the day.  I did see a couple of hawks and a Turkey Vulture, as well as the loons.  There has been a single loon as well as a pair on the lake, and occasionally a group of three loons fishing together.  I can only guess that the group of three might be the pair and the lone celebrating their own Fourth of July event.  It's not looking like there's going to be a chick hatched on Wicwas this year.

The highlight of the week was seeing a young bear run across the road right in front of me one morning on a run.  It came up out of the swamp in the Chemung Forest, bounded across Chemung road, and up into the woods by Old Stanton Road.  It left big, wet paw prints on the road, and lots of sprinkles of water that shook off its fur as it ran.  Alas, it was far too quick to even think about getting a picture, and I wasn't about to follow it!

So, no pictures of animals around the lake, but there were lots of humans enjoying great summer weather in New Hampshire, and the humidity made for awesome sunsets.
The Sun Sets over the Land of the Free

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