I was awakened this morning by the sharp call of an Osprey from the open window. A few minutes later I heard the explosion of water that is distinctive to an osprey crashing into the lake to catch a fish. Osprey make a striking sight and sound, as they actually plunge under the water, talons first, to catch a submerged fish, unlike an eagle which is more likely to glide over the water and extract its prey with just its claws getting wet. That sound brought me to the window, where I saw two osprey circling, one with a small fish in its grasp; it landed on an oak with a large dead branch hanging over the lake - the osprey equivalent on breakfast on the deck! I didn't get a picture, but here's one from Lake Wicwas in 2012.
Those poor fish don't seem to have much of a chance against those weapons!
I was busy last weekend with concerts, and a lot has changed in two weeks. Perhaps the greatest transformation took place in the Robins nest, where four blue eggs turned into three little chicks.
June 5 |
This picture was taken on June 5th, 18 days after the first egg was laid (May 18 post) It looks like two of the chicks are several days older than the littlest one, which still has its eyes closed. The next morning, however, the little one was gone.
June 6 |
Perhaps it wasn't viable, or perhaps mother decided it couldn't support three chicks. Either way - nature can be cruel. Over the next two days the remaining chicks grew quickly, with distinct feathers appearing by today.
June 7 |
June 8 |
Mother has been very busy collecting ants and other insects to keep them nourished.
A couple of less dramatic changes occurred in the woods, with the Black Cherry blossoms converting into tiny green cherries.
Black Cherry |
In a couple of short months these will be attracting Black Bears.
The bunch berries also came into bloom - red berries will follow next.
Bunchberry |
One thing that didn't change very much is the status of the Lady Slipper - this orchid has a long bloom period, and can still be found in many places - this one is blooming right beside the Yellow Trail, perhaps half a mile from the trail head in the Hamlin/Eames/Smyth conservation area.
Lady Slippers |
Perhaps you have seen it also!
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