Sunday, October 6, 2024

October 6, 2024: Wildife in Action

Fall is progressing, most evident by the cooler temperatures and changing leaves.

North from the White Mountain Ledge on a perfect October day.

Wildlife is noting the changes too and their behavior is seen in many ways.  For some time now the songbirds have greatly reduced their singing.  Some have already left the Lakes Region, and much of the sounds of those remaining are the raucous alert calls of birds grouping up to drive off something they sense as a threat.  Chick-a-dees and Blue Jays are loud examples of this.  Sometimes I can determine what they're concerned about - crows, raptors, or even my presence in their house - but other times I have no idea.  I never realized just how acrobatic crows are until I saw a mob of them fighting over nesting rights on the cell tower atop Eastman Hill yesterday.

There were at least ten crows circling and dive bombing here.  The nest is in the center.

The Red Squirrels also get annoyed as I walk a trail through their home.

"Who's in my forest?!"

Beavers have resumed their daily cruises across the lake as they prepare for winter by searching out material for their homes, food for their winter pantries, and marking their territories to dissuade other beavers from entering their claimed domain.  Beavers' actions on land aren't easily observed as they work under the safety of the dark of night, so when I saw a scent mound being formed on the shoreline I set up a camera to see if I could catch the action.  Sure enough, that night the landowners stopped by.  

A big beaver at a small scent mound.

First, at 2:20 in the morning one beaver came by to check on and freshen its scent mound.  
Rubbing scent from its musk glands on the mound.

Then later a pair of friendly beavers were there, with at least one of them having an evening snack.  The camera took video of both moments:

As an added bonus, I got some daytime pictures of Gray Squirrels at the shoreline, including a couple that appeared to be getting a little frisky one morning.

It appears our three banded loons are still on the lake, and one of them is starting to lose its bright summer plumage, another sign of the season.

Breeding plumage is fading fast.

This is our south male as shown by the bands visible in the last photo.

The north male is still here as well and has been seen a few times fishing with another loon.  He hasn't started to change his appearance much.

Still looking dapper in his formal suit.

He's quite accomplished in his fishing skills.

Down he goes.

On one dive he came up with a keeper, way too big to swallow underwater which loons do with most of the fish they catch.

Yes, he's going to swallow that whole.

This big sunfish had to be worn out before swallowing so he wouldn't have a large fish thrashing around in his gullet:

There's a lot of activity to be seen as wildlife - as well as we humans - prepare for the change in season, some moving south for the winter and those that stay put preparing to survive the New England winter.  Trees have to stay here; deciduous trees prepare by storing in their roots the energy their leaves generated all summer and then letting the leaves go.  That process gives us the great fall foliage which should be just about at peak for the upcoming holiday weekend.

Here's hoping for good leaf-peeping weather over the coming week!

A foggy sunrise on this fine Sunday morning.


  1. Good morning Scott and thank you!

  2. Another great job! You and Linda have a safe & healthy Winter!

    The Naso Family!👍
