Sunday, December 27, 2015

December 27, 2015

More warm, damp weather was the theme of this holiday week, much to the disappointment of ski areas, their customers, and kids everywhere.  The cold water held onto the fog long into the days, sometimes never clearing all day.

Yes, Lake Wicwas is out there somewhere

The view from the boat ramp
But Christmas morning greeted us with a little ice, a few remaining wisps of fog, and some sun to enjoy the day.

The calm Christmas eve had embellished the lake with yet another crystalline quilt.

But by the afternoon the sun had melted most of the blanket, so instead of skating this year, a different lake activity was taking place.
A Christmas Canoe
 The following morning, right at sunrise, a beautiful full moon set over yet another attempt at ice on the lake. 

But it too, didn't last the day.

The beaver have been taking advantage of the open water to add a few more morsels to their winter food stocks down at the bottom of the lake.  They have been active near the boat landing, leaving blatant evidence of their presence.

They will have brought many parts of these birches back to their lodge for winter dining, but clearly enjoyed snacking on the small branches while they worked.
Branches cleaned of their nutritious bark and cambium

It is time for them to say good night to 2015 - maybe we'll have some winter sightings before the new year arrives.
Goodnight moon

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